Monday, December 16, 2013


打字打字打字. 还是中文让我更能衷心地抒发自己.

听着EXO的圣诞专辑, 我打着字. 听不懂的语言, 只专注在音乐. 要上网搜索才明白它的歌词, 却是那么地美丽哀伤. 我不是盲目跟随潮流, 只是纯粹喜欢. 圣诞节要到了, 其实对我来说也没有什么大不了, 只是又多了一个理由让朋友们聚在一起度过一个晚上.

曾经我以为我们的友情也可以走到好远好远, 可是时间慢慢地过去, 我才发现其实我一点都不懂你的心里到底在想些什么. 我不知道你说那些话的理由, 我完全无法明白你的思想, 完全没有办法去赞同你说的那些话赞同你的那些举动. 你不知道, 你带给其他人的那些不快.

我的日子过得很好, 至少现在的我打从心里地开心. 不需要去顾虑太多, 活得很自己. 虽然现在要去哪里都得自己驾车去, 戏也没有人陪我看了, 可是我很开心. 所以, 请你也好好过你自己的生活.

我很好 :)

谢谢那位不管我发生了什么事到现在依然在我身边的林小晴小姐. 快2014了, 你快20岁了, 我们认识快13年了. 你就是我的姐姐, 没有血缘关系却比任何人都亲的姐姐. 以后我嫁不出你要养我哦哈哈哈 XD 不用多说, 你知道你在我心目中是无人能取代的. 我爱你 :)

看到一位老朋友一个人在外国到处走着, 我好羡慕哦. 多希望我也有这样的机会. 之前和姐姐两个人到新加坡去, 不远, 可是也算个小旅行吧. 在陌生的城市走着看着笑着, 很自在, 什么也不用管, 就放纵自己逃离平时的环境, 感觉真的好爽! 期待明年和朋友们的旅行计划, 我要去台湾!

我身边那些不常联络可是还是很重要的朋友们, 我们一起好好加油吧 :D

Monday, December 2, 2013

我以为不会痛 我以为我早已释怀
按下删除那一刻 还是会痛 还是会哭
不过我答应自己 我不会让自己回去当以前的那个我 这是我选择的 这是我自己做的决定
我要好好爱自己多一些 我不会再那么不顾一切地去爱另一个人了 不会了.

Monday, October 28, 2013


两个月多都快三个月了, 然后我又回来了. 对不起我的姐妹们, 之前欢送的时候其实我答应了要打一篇给她们可是我还是食言了. 忙是借口, 诚实一点的话是不懂要如何对每个人都说上一样分量的话. 希望你们明白, 就算我没有打出来, 我也衷心希望大家都能好好地过生活, 更希望在台湾的那两个傻婆好好地照顾自己.

日子忙吗? 其实并没有很忙. 最近变了好多, 连我自己都感觉到有点陌生, 好像我再也不认识自己一样. 以前的我, 完全不享受在家的时光, 能出去我都想办法出去. 可是现在再也不是这样了. 就算有朋友要约我出去, 我也不再是随时都okay了. 为什么? 其实我也不懂. 就觉得其实静静在家看着电视上着网也没什么不好, 又可以省钱, 有时出去也没有什么特别的, 就是看戏吃饭看戏吃饭看戏吃饭. 现在反而享受, 时不时和中学朋友见一见, 吃一餐普通的, 然后聊上好几个小时. 这样对我来说更好更值得享受.

大学的朋友都是hi-bye friend. 中学时期的朋友是最值得被珍惜的. 那一段时期的友情是最难得的. 很多时候都希望如果能一直一直都待在中学时期, 那该有多好? 至少是打从心底的快乐的. 才明白自己幻想的大学生活其实离现实好远好远.

我很小气我很记仇, 不过如果态度正确的话我可以不放在心上. 可能过了好久我还是会记得, 可是不会是怨恨而是轻松地拿它开玩笑. 有些事情, 过于理所当然的态度真的让我很看不过眼. 不过, 以前的脾气早就不在了, 也不是走得不留下任何一点痕迹, 只是剩下的只有一些隐隐约约的脚印. 有的事情, 我不说, 不代表我不在意. 只是我选择沉默, 因为那是更好的方式. 有些问题不大, 不需要什么都要摊开来说. 笑一笑, 其实很快就过了. 再怎么的心痛, 也会过的.

人不可以活在过去, 可是缅怀过去总可以吧? 很多时候过去的回忆太难被忘记. 那些曾经的文字, 提醒着我曾经的那些心情.

害怕的是, 当有一个人狠狠地把你一直努力隐藏的事物都挖出来放在你面前逼你面对的时候.

文字依然还是最好的表达方式 :)

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Congratulations to my lovely cousin sister and her husband :) They've been together for 11 years and finally they stepped into marriage together! I'm so glad that I was there to share the happiness with my dearest family. I wish them living happily forever :)

Family love <3

They are like my real sisters since I have one brother only. Love them much.


上半篇我前几天打了, 现在来接下去. 4.28am. 突然有打字的冲动.

朋友, 真正交心的, 才是最值得被珍惜的. 谢谢一直陪伴在我身边的你们 :)
拥有的朋友再多, 又如何? 长大的过程让我知道, 朋友, 不需要多, 刚刚好就好. 刚刚好让你开心的时候可以分享, 刚刚好让你难过的时候可以打电话去哭诉, 刚刚好可以陪你一起疯, 就足够了.



懂我的人, 应该知道我是天蝎女而且我很爱我的星座. 或许有人觉得星座这回事信不过可我真的很相信哈哈. 因为总是说中了啊. 因为总是那么轻而易举就看透了啊. 因为那些文字总是有办法让我觉得世界上最了解我的就是它们了啊. 因为我就是典型天蝎女啊.


我可以很粗心, 同时我也有些事情看得很细腻. 应该或不应该, 我自己心里有把尺. 对, 或许我做人还不够圆滑. 有些话, 我听不顺耳就是不顺耳. 我还没有学会左耳进右耳出得那么潇洒. 


有些歌, 去唱歌时会固定地点固定地唱固定地感伤固定地鼻酸. 没有说因为谁, 就只是那首歌就是好有感觉. 就这样.


好想好想出国旅行啊. 想见见外面的世界接触不同的人尝试不同的文化. 趁我还有那一份热情的时候, 好想好想. 不知道十年后的我, 又会如何呢?

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


June, 你好, 请爱我多一些 :)

昨天, 有太多太多的回忆被勾起. 过去的那些年, 曾经的无知, 曾经的幼稚, 曾经的无忧无虑, 曾经的傻, 曾经的却也从来没有离开过的 执 著 . 我承认, 我很弱, 小小的事物, 绝对能轻易地牵动我的情绪. 华语歌, 还是要是抒情的才好听. 总是有一些歌, 一些歌词, 就是他妈的那么巧合地应景. 我懂, 其实我都懂. 只是有的时候, 我害怕.

很多时候, 该忘的 我忘不了, 该释怀的 我释怀不了. 我又能如何? 我懂, 我都懂, 我完全明白应该怎样可是我就是不能怎样. 说得容易做得难. 我可以是自己的旁观者, 客观地看着一切客观地给着意见, 可当我回到当事者的身份, 没有理智可言更没有他妈的客观可言. 我就是做 不 到.

过去的事可以不用忘记, 但一定要放下. 网上看见的.

没有放不下的, 时间过了, 自然就放下了. 还是网上看见的.

我懂 我都懂 我他妈的全都懂

又如何?                 我 还 是 做 不 到

现在的我, 做不到.

说真的, 我不需要很特别, 我爱平凡, 我本来就很平凡. 未来吗? 我不知道, 我不想知道. 或许哪一天我走着走着不小心就这么走了. 我不想要浪费时间去想一些我不可能有答案的问题. 所谓的不公平, 这个世界本来就是不公平. 从来没有付出的相等于得到的回报这回事. 所以, 该付出的就笑着付出, 有回报了就笑着接受, 没回报的话笑着让它过了.

现在的习惯, 曾经也是那么努力地爱过, 没有了以前的轰轰烈烈, 不是不爱了, 只是走向了下一个阶段. 每个人都有自己爱的方式, 虽然不是所有的人都会认同甚至有些人会认为其实那不是爱, 可是只要两个人是知道的, 就够了. 感情是自己的, 只需要和应该知道的人交代.

#nowplaying 倒带

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Fast & Furious 6, a movie that I'd been waiting for so long. Didn't let me down and I've watched it twice although I didn't do it on purpose, still worth to watch twice! *thumbs up!*

Totally in love with Gal Gadot, the GORGEOUS in FF6. She's just too hot but unfortunately she was dead in the movie. *awwwwwwwwwwwww :X* And yet, I watched her died twice, so sad :/

25th May 2013

HongWen, Beiyu, YingXian and I went to Pavilion to had an earlier birthday celebration for YX since I couldn't make it on his birthday. It has been so long since last gathering of four of us. After movie, we went for lunch at Michelangelo and we had chit-chatting session like we always did. I felt great talking to them because I never have to hide from them, I can just be me in front of them. We promised to gather again once we are free :)

Happy 19th Birthday!

We are just like a family, I love y'all :)

There is a place I always want to go. Maldives.

I love sea although I don't know how to swim. I just simply love being in water :) BUT, this dream is too far to me due to the fees :/

When I was watching Running Man, I found a place which is beautiful as well. I was shocked when I saw it, the sea is just so clean and beautiful. And it is easier for me to reach since it's in Asia.

Jeju Island, South Korea.

And the last one, my dream place to have my honeymoon after I marry. *So far away :p*

Santorini, Greece.

I really hope that I can fulfill my dream in the future, with the one I love :)

Maybe I should go to learn to swim, hmm.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013


100513 Girls outing

我是家里最小的, 只有一个哥哥, 所以我的表妹就好像我的妹妹一样 :) 可能因为我们年龄也比较相近, 所以她和我比起她和她的亲姐姐们还要亲. 我们时常见面可是很少一起出街, 所以那天我约了她放学后去载她咱们约会去. 两个女生一起准备出街总是有办法拖上一两个小时之类的, 所以我们拖了一个小时哈哈 XD

因为她讲想吃Sushi, 做姐姐的就立刻带她去吃Sushi Zanmai :D 然后去看了Identity Thief, 不错哟 :D

She's Theng & She's Bobo 



110513 Mother's Day and Mummy's B'day Earlier Celebration

星期六一如往常是个工作日, 放工了我们一家人到Ara Damansara的Rakuzen去, 提早庆祝母亲节还有妈妈的生日 :) 爸爸每一年都会准备花和礼物, 当然今年也不例外. 蛋糕很好吃, 不过还没有拍照我们就开始吃了哈哈, 没有拍食物的习惯, 不过也是要推荐一下, 蛋糕是RT Pastry的, JENG!

哥哥也特地搭巴士从新加坡回来两天就为了今晚 :)

没有拍到全家福 :O 不过没关系, 机会有得是 :)

过后和朋友们到Sunway Giza Idarts去喝点小酒, 老啦, 酒喝不多了, 不过还是玩得很开心 :D 和一位好朋友的男朋友聊了满久, 说真的我们都是天蝎座想的东西都差不多. 不容易啊, 都撑了那么久, 加油吧 :)

好難得 你遇見了對的人


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Simple update.

Last Friday was a happy and super hyper tiring day. After few hours of sleeping, I felt like having Chilli Pan Mee for lunch and yes, baby and I went to have it. After eating, we immediately went to Genting with Xiaoqing and JW. I missed Genting so much haha, last time we were like going once a month. Here're some photos of that day.

Still the crazy girl no matter what happens :D

The girl I love the most <3

That's why she is my best friend because I can be myself all the time when I'm with her :)

We went to watch Iron Man 3 at Paradigm Mall at midnight. It was an awesome movie! Thumbs up!

After graduating for 5 months, I miss my secondary school life very much, VERY VERY MUCH :/ That night I dreamt about my secondary schoolmates, I really miss them, especially these two guys D:

My Form 6 life would be so dull without them :) They actually listened to me and stood by my side everytime, although they never treat me as a girl lol.

And of course, this stupid girl also :p

Actually I also couldn't figure out why we would be that close lol. Maybe we were the blues inside a bunch of whites haha. It has been so long since we last met. It was last year's Christmas eve right? I'm happy that we can still keep in touch :) Hey girl, I really can understand your feeling when he said something like that to you. I can't do anything to help much but I will be there for you, remember this okay? Don't give up so easily since you really love him. Scorpio girls! <3

Working is fun if I have some accompany haha. Still, I missed working for CNY. 17 days of working.

Facing each other for 17 days makes us becoming much closer. Although we don't meet after that job, I'm still glad that I have you all for the 17 days :)

2 days of working for Dulux. I met these girls. Although we were not that close because we didn't even spend our break time together, but everyone of you was so friendly :) Hope that we can meet or work together next time :)

2 more months to start my uni life. Hmm, how will it be? Not that excited because I have to be all by my own :O Hello KDU hello ACCA hello uni life?

Thursday, April 25, 2013




上个星期五来个久违的聚会,到Solaris Uncle Jang见见我好久不见的FG朋友们 :D 姐妹们就算再久没见,都会好像每天见面的朋友一样,见到面了依然还能毫不顾忌地聊个天南地北!最多话讲那个好像没变过好像还是我哈哈哈哈 :P 永远停不了的八卦,停不了的是非 LOL

女大十八变哪 哈哈

不是讲笑,作么只有我很像老aunty的 :O


从来没有后悔过初二那年傻傻一个人地进了华乐团这个大家庭,偏偏07这一届又是最多人的一届,有着最多疯子的一届哈哈。很莫名奇妙地,认识了5个傻婆然后6姐妹就诞生啦!就算到了最后我们一个一个离开了乐团,可是之间的感情还是一样不变 :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Actually this blog post doesn't have any special meaning, I just wanna recommend two songs from Leessang, a group of a vocalist, Gil and a rapper, Gary. I knew about this group because of Gary is involved in Running Man. Gil's sound is so special, although the first time I listened to him I felt weird but at last I realized it's just too special. Gary is awesome, when I watched him in Running Man he was so funny but when he rapped he was just like another person. Leessang worked really hard until now, I've read their story before, they'd been through so much things.

I'm not actually SUPER HYPER DYPER in love with Kpop but some of Kpop songs are really nice. Although I have to Google the lyrics to understand what they were singing but the melody and rhythm are nice enough to catch my attention :)

Actually, somehow I'm glad that it's not the truth. It is one of the most amazing things in life I don't wanna do something I'll regret. It's the wrong timing but in the future, I will let this thing happen, I must let this thing happen :)

I have to be used to it, I need to be used to it, no matter how upset was I, how unhappy was I, how emotional was I.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Running Man

不懂什么时候开始爱上了Running Man, 一出韩国综艺节目. RM刚开始播出的时候, 我没什么留意. 后来大家口中都说着它讨论着它, 我心想"真的有那么好看吗?" 2012年尾, 考完统考每天在学校没事情做, 有人把电脑带来开RM看, 然后我就爱上它了. 或许有些人无法明白, 明明就听不懂他们的语言, 明明就算有字幕可是翻译也不是完全地准确, 明明有一些他们的梗和韩文有关而我们听不懂, 为什么就那么着迷呢?

说真的我也无法准确地回答. 好笑吗? 是吧. 在RM开播之前, 他们有着各自的角色, 歌手, 演员, 模特儿, Rapper, 可是因为RM他们就好像一家人, 每个星期一聚在一起玩游戏完成任务. 其实RM真的有办法把我的坏心情给赶走. 唯一遗憾的是我家的Streamyx总让我用2个小时来看完1个小时半的RM :(

7个RM, 平时大家都爱欺负对方讽刺对方拿对方开玩笑. 可是当RM家族唯一一个女生玩游戏跌下水时哥哥们都会关心. 真的, 就好像一家人一样呢 :) 就算是私底下, 大家也是好朋友, 也时常见面吃个东西还是一起去Gym, 多好啊.

有的时候,大家的口味不同大家喜欢的东西不一样, 难道就不可以迁就着吗? 并没有要求一定要喜欢一样的东西, 可是没有必要总用批评的方式来面对啊. 为什么总是要把自己的想法都当成室对的想法呢? 明明有时只是纯粹在说着一些事情, 为什么总要往负面的方向想? 为什么总是要扭曲对方的想法? 其实,我也会累.

Monday, March 25, 2013


Today is not a good day. Early in the morning my mum woke me up and mentioned that she had to go to see a doctor. She was crying. I could barely heard that she had to go to brain specialist. I was in the middle of sleeping, I was definitely in the blur mode and I continued sleeping after that.

In the afternoon, she woke me up again and she said that tomorrow dad will accompany her to hospital. She asked me if I could accompany her to her qigong class. My mum is a road-idiot, just like me LOL, but she had to go to Kelana Jaya which she is not familiar with. At first I was like "I want to sleep I'm not going to move at all", but then I thought of, she seldom asked me to accompany her, but when she did, she really wanted it. So I climbed down from my bed and accompanied her to her qigong class. I sat there for two hours and came back with her. That was what I can do for her.

The very first time I am so afraid of tomorrow. I don't know what happened to my mum, it was something like 神经线被压着. I just prayed that it is not something terrible. Please.

When we are growing up, our parents are getting older. I just wished that I have more times to accompany them. Mum, please be fine. You are the most important woman in my life. Family is the most important thing in life.

And my stupid friend is sick :/ I'm sorry that I can't visit you but I really hope that you can recover soon. Take care girl <3

Hello, I am back, she is back :)

Hello baby I am back :3

It has been so long since my last blog post. I deleted my previous blog, which was full of memories, emotional, etc but oops I just pressed the "DELETE BLOG" without any hesitation. It's 2013 and let's say hi to my new life, the new me, muahahahahaha.

I am now in the middle of my long-lasting-eight-month-holiday, got some freelance jobs, met some new friends, gained some experienced, learnt something, earned some CASH. Some of my relatives mentioned that I'd changed. Positive one. I couldn't forget how I disobeyed my family and lied to them two years ago, how worried they were, the whole big family, I mean whole BIG family including uncle aunties sat down and discussed how to stop me from heading to the wrong pathway. They love me, I love them, I thanks them for not giving me up. No matter what happens, family will never give you up.

Now, I have my own thinking, my own target, my own dream. Sure I will do my best to achieve them. I have so many dreams I wanna visit so many countries I wanna do something that I was not able to do I wanna be someone who is much more better than the previous JoanneChui haha.

Last week was my secondary school's 94th birthday, CH-ers are always the best! My timeline was full of photos mentioning I LOVE CHKL, and I realized there are so many beautiful ladies are from CH hahaha and of course excluding me T_________T

Last Friday night was a memorable night. Friends who used to be so close five years ago gathered together, although not everyone attended the gathering, but I felt so good because after so long we still can talk like we never separate. Everyone has their own life, but when we gathered together we were like getting back to five years ago :) I love them, although they are all guys who never treat me as a girl LOL

Okay it's Chinese time because my English isn't good enough for me to express some feelings.

有些人, 就是那么地不脚踏实地, 钱真的不是那么好赚的. 因为钱, 你可以用这样鄙视的态度去对待曾经那么要好的朋友们. 就算观点不同, 也没有必要这样吧? 再怎么说, 全都是好几年的兄弟们, 就那么脆弱吗? 祝你好运.

Test yo!

Testing 1 2 3

Annyeonghaseyo <3